There are few things that strike more fear in the heart of a Sarasota homeowner than the words “roof repair”. There is no doubt that a roof is one of those items which we tend to forget about until there is an issue – and unfortunately, many times that issue turns out to be a costly fix. This is generally due to the fact that if you are not paying attention and performing routine maintenance, small problems can become major headaches in a very short amount of time.

At Avery Roof Services, we want to help you to stay on top of your roof maintenance, ensuring not only that a major roof repair may not be necessary – but also that your roof will last as long as possible in our harsh south Florida climate.

major roof repair

Prevent Unexpected Major Roof Repair

The reality is this – even the most minor of roof problems can become a major roof repair situation if left unchecked. Therefore, remaining diligent in looking for minor issues will go a very long way to maximizing the life of your roof – and preventing those major, unexpected expenditures.

  • Perform Regular Inspections: Planning for and scheduling an annual inspection is the best, proactive way to ensure that a minor repair issue does not get overlooked. Many Sarasota roofing professionals recommend that you schedule an inspection each winter. Winter inspections will allow you to look for any damage caused during hurricane season, but during our dry months so that repair is easier to perform. Also during winter, roofing contractors are not busy responding to emergency roof leaks which manifest during rainstorms – so you can more effectively plan for your inspection. Your yearly inspection will look for any broken, missing or damaged tiles or shingles, check the integrity of the gutter system, and even take a look in your attic to ensure that there are no signs of small leaks, such as dark spots or matted insulation. Catching problems early will help you to limit your roof repair to minor fixes, instead of responding to a major, catastrophic leak.
  • Fix Minor Issues Immediately: There is no time like the present when it comes to roof repair. Although you may think it safe to delay roof repair for a few months during the dry season a breach in your roof is always vulnerable. Even small rainstorms can aggravate a current leak, and animals on your roof may also further compromise a crack or hole that they have found. The smaller the repair, the smaller the cost – so addressing any problems you find immediately will help to prevent the issue from escalating.
  • Visually Inspect Your Roof After Storms: While climbing up on your roof may not always be safe (either for you or the roofing materials) you can get a good idea of any damage your roof may have sustained by simply eyeballing the roof from a ladder. Look for loose granules in your gutters, any hanging portions of the gutter system, or any missing tiles. You will also want to remove any debris which may be collecting on your roof due to wind and rain. This debris can collect and cause damage or mold growth, so should be cleaned off the roof as you go.

If you are in your attic space and notice dark wood, matted insulation, or your framing is wet to the touch, you are likely already dealing with a necessary repair. If you notice water dripping down your walls or collecting in droplets on your ceiling, call a Sarasota roofing company as soon as possible. The water leak has begun to infiltrate your interior walls at that point, and a major roof repair may be necessary.

With any roof repair, the time to fix the problem is when it is discovered. If you have a suspicion that your roof may have an issue, call Avery Roof Services today. Our professional team of experts will respond swiftly to help you to fix any roofing issues and protect your home and investment.

Your Local, Trusted, Sarasota Roofer

roofing company Sarasota